Pastor ReNe’e Richey Teague
Church office: 804-458-6932
The days are getting longer and winter will soon be in retreat. As we all know, winter is not over yet but we’ve been through enough cold to feel like we need a little spring. And spring will come. Sometimes in the dark and cold of winter it doesn’t feel like it…but the spring will come.
That’s a good image for us personally, whatever you are going through that feels like a cold, dark winter, will in time, melt into spring. In times of illness, know there will be healing. In times of conflict, know there will be peace. In times of stress, know there will be rest. We just need to remember that the planet and the sun continue to move, to change, and it’s those actions that bring the spring. We too, need to move and change to find healing, peace and rest.
As a church we’ve been in a time of cold and winter. Our numbers have decreased, our building ages, our youth group is small, the things we expect and hope for have faded into the cold of winter. And yet here we are. Just like the planet we have to move, to change in order for there to be a spring here at Wesley.
God is calling us. God is leading. God is willing to spin the change but we have to be willing to move, to grow, to follow if we want to experience the spring of God’s design.
Change isn’t easy, especially when you just want it to be like it was. Honestly, right now, not much is like it was and it’s not going to be. “Breathe in, breath out, move on,” as the late Jimmy Buffett sang after Katrina. A hurricane swept the land of “church” as we’ve known it and now it’s time to follow Jesus, join Him in building the future.
The Open Table is a model that builds relationship and a social capital bridge between Wesley and Hopewell. We will invest in a year of training and work to reimagine the way we do mission and ministry. Through this process we’ll evaluate our current approaches, get to know our neighbors and then work together with a host of community organizations to address a variety of needs in Hopewell. No one can know what will be addressed or how we’ll change but it’s time to step out in faith, follow God, adjust to God’s calling and trust in God’s provision.
We all want to see Wesley thrive, to share Jesus with our neighbors, to know the people of our community, to make a difference in Hopewell. It may be winter, but spring is coming. God has promised! If we follow God will provide.
Wednesday, February 5th 6:30 p.m.
Bring your favorite craft and let’s have some fun crafting together. If you don’t craft, come along and see what everyone else is doing, maybe you’ll find your sweet spot! We’ll meet in the Adult Classroom (Cokesbury).
Two teams, Two Buckets…the one with the most money wins!!! All proceeds go to Helping Hands.
Valentine Lunch - February 16th after worship. This wonderful time is brought to you by Sarah and the youth! Come enjoy a spaghetti lunch and a loving time with your church family.
Youth Group resumes! Along with children and young adults! Mark your calendar. 6:00 dinner, games, small groups.
Wednesday, February 26th, 6:30 pm
Chris and Donna Bear would like to thank the congregation for the sympathy, love, and support extended during the loss of Chris's Mother, Margaret Louise Pruett Bear.