Pastor ReNe’e Richey Teague
Church office: 804-458-6932
Life Line Screening, the nation’s leading provider of preventive health screenings, will offer affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings at Wesley United Methodist Church - Hopewell on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
A package of four screenings to identify risk for stroke, heart disease and other chronic conditions will be offered:
Carotid Artery Screening (Plaque)
An ultrasound is performed to screen the carotid arteries (a pair of blood vessels in the neck that deliver blood to your brain) for buildup of fatty plaque. This buildup, called atherosclerosis, is one of the leading causes of stroke.
Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening
An Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) test is performed using blood pressure cuffs on the arms and legs. It is important to screen for PAD because it increases the risk of coronary artery disease, heart attack, or stroke.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
An ultrasound is performed to screen the abdominal aorta for the presence of an enlargement or aneurysm. AAA can lead to a ruptured aortic artery, which is a serious medical emergency.
A 6-lead electrocardiogram (EKG) is performed by placing sensors on the arms and legs to screen for Atrial Fibrillation. AFib can lead to blood clots, stroke, and heart failure, and other heart-related complications.
These 4 vital screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. Register by calling toll free 1-844-591-7160, text the word "circle" to 216-279-1607 or online at this link.
to everyone who donated a gift, food, or money to make Christmas a little brighter for families in need.
Wednesday, January 29th, 6:30 pm